Diary of a Tall Fashionista: How to Wear Color

I LOVE wearing lots of colors. But for most people, it’s a little scary. Maybe you’ve seen color gone wrong and sworn not to ever be that girl. Or maybe you were a teen in the 90s and so obsessed with neon that you’re still getting over the poor choices you made. I can relate. The temptation is to wear all neutrals to be safe. And yes it’s safe but it’s also, what’s the word? Boring-which I am assuming you are anything but! I sometimes get in a similar rut in my home. While I usually incorporate color into my wardrobe fairly easily, if you saw my house you’d wonder why a brown wall threw up all over a brown couch which threw up all over brown wood floors, and brown wood furniture. I look around and I think how did this happen?! And honestly, it’s just what I described …
Diary of a Tall Fashionista: How to Wear Color Read More